Who's On-Line Now?

Friday 28 December 2007

Which Celeb?

Today in the Daily Star (not my paper I hasten to add but the senior guard's) there was a little mention of a "celebrity household" which was rocked on Christmas Day, to soap show proportions, when it was revealed that the husband was revealed to have been "playing away with the home help." The twist in the story was that the home help happened to also be male!
Now, I have been racking my brains to think which celebrity "family" has a male "staff member." The only one I can think of would be everyone's favourite (I jest) Jude Law, who must have a male nanny now as he couldn't be trusted before with the female one!! I have heard many rumours about Jude, one of which was that he will shag anything! I wonder when the name will actually be released.
I am sure though that, if it was Jude, the name would have been mentioned because the paparazzi really hate him. I'm not that keen on the pretty boy either! I think I first went off him when I heard about his kid swallowing an ecstacy tablet that the child had found in the house.

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