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Friday 14 December 2007

Pay Day Yay!

I have been paid! Hooray.
It is my first wage from the new job and that is always a worry: will they get the right account; will they pay the right hours etc etc.
Well, I got the right amount of days, and the first tqo training shifts were paid at a lower rate (as I had been told might happen by my work colleagues, not my employers) but it wasn't as low as I was told it could be. My tax and NI payments were very low too, so I ended up getting more than I had expected to be paid.
This means that I will not have to feel guilty about going out tonight, and I could probably even stretch to giving my nieces and nephews a £5 note each for Christmas, it isn't much and a lot less than I normally spend, but better than nothing.
Next pay day is 11th January, so it's not too long of a wait after New Year luckily. And I am STILL waiting for my refund from the SIA of 50% of my licence fee.

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