Who's On-Line Now?

Thursday, 10 July 2008

What Would You Like From a New Gay Website? Results

I asked recently "What Would You Like From a New Gay Website?" and here are the results:
Firstly, I was actually quite disappointed that the top thing that people still want is Pictures of Sexy Guys. 83% of you wanted that, despite the fact that there are thousands of websites already providing high quality pictures of good looking guys. I guess some people just can't get enough.
Second most popular, and more encouraging, came Gay History, with 55% of you wanting that. I think it is important that our history and culture be recorded for future reference and for young LGBT people to have as a reference, to show that they are not alone, that there are people out there who have been through similar circumstances and who can provide good (and bad) examples for them.
Next came TV Guide (gay themed), with 44% of you voting for that. I personally would like to see a site dedicated to everything gay on the "box" and so may spend some time looking into this option for my next "project." If anyone knows of a website doing this already I would like to know about it sooner rather than later.
Next came Biographies and Other with 33% of you wanting each. Biographies are being covered elsewhere, such as on Gay For Today, and Rob's Gay Info, but could always be expanded and, along with Gay History, I think gay celebrities should have biographies which can also be referred to to provide inspiration for LGBT youngsters and those just "coming out." Unfortunately, those of you who voted for other didn't let me know what "other" things you were looking for, so I can't help any further with that!
Interviews got 3% of you voting and Health Advice got 2%, with Upcoming Events getting just 1% (I guess this is covered extensively across the net and in the gay press (free and otherwise).
Not one of you wanted Legal Information, which also surprised me a bit. Do you not want to know where it is safe for "us" to go on holiday? For example, did you know that Bahrain is currently intensifying its persecution of homosexuals, as homosexuality is a still a criminal offence there! Somewhere to avoid when you go on holiday with the boyf, and just on principle because of there actions I would say too. Do you really want to give your hard-earned holiday money to a country like that?
So, anyway, thanks to all 18 people (yep, that was all) who voted. I have some options and some thinking and research to do. Keep your eyes out for the next poll, which should be appearing very soon. Thanks again.


Graeme said...

AfterElton does a gay themed guide to TV (and showbiz in general) but it is heavily US-skewed, despite articles on our shows and interviews with the likes of James Sutton & Gareth David Lloyd.

Alex said...

Never actually checked out AfterElton, though I have heard of it. Guess I'll have a look in a minute. Thanks for making me aware of it. Back to the drawing board, maybe?