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Thursday, 10 July 2008

Bad News, Good News

First the bad news:
Today was yet another boring day with absolutely nothing happening of interest. I fell asleep a couple of times, which could have been embarrassing if someone had broken the monotony and actually interupted the tedium!!
I also learned that I hadn't been paid for my 7 days of holiday at the end of June, it should have gone into my account this morning. So I had to chase around to find out why not and how to correct it. I should be getting a payment into my account which should clear either tomorrow or Saturday morning.
Good news:
Apart from, hopefully, sorting my pay, I also got to leave work an hour early. Aparantely the boss is trying to rotate it so that everyone gets to leave an hour early every now and then (I think this is a guilt-gift to make us less pissed off that he leaves up to 2 hours early at least 3 times a week for driving lessons, and drinks in the pub with the building manager!).

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