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Thursday 21 February 2008

Second Shift

I was so incredibly frustrated last night at work that I wasn't getting trained properly again. I was being passed from guard to guard to see different things, which sounds good, but NONE of the shift last night had English as a first language and so I struggled to understand what they were telling me! One Russian guy was telling me all the ways to sleep on duty, to use my phone and the internet without getting caught and all that stuff and I just thought, "Get me out of here!"
I was also bored because they kept on giving me breaks. Now that sounds good to most people, but I bore easily. The job that I was sacked from last year, we didn't have breaks. We just went out to get food when we needed to and ate in the control room. That worked out fine for us. In an environment where you have no internet, aren't allowed to use phones, have no television or radio, and aren't allowed sleep, what use is an extra break! I had nearly 3 hours of doing nothing last night when I should have been being trained.
I nearly walked, but I just can't afford to, financially or for the sake of any future job! I was considering asking to go back to my last job, but that would just be cutting off my nose to spite my face, as I would be on less money, doing the same shifts and still looking for alternate work.
My training has now officially finished and I am on shift as from tonight, and I don't know my way around the buildings! How stupid is that?
I need to get out of the security industry for good, find a nice job that is day shifts only, a maximum of 50 hours a week and respect from my employers (yeah, I know that last one is asking for the moon on a stick, but you never know, I am due to have some good luck soon!). Somebody give me a break, I'm a hard worker, a loyal employee when treated fairly, someone who doesn't break rules (often, and not really important ones), hardly ever sick or late, and who will provide a high level of professionalism in whatever I'm doing! I'd even take a temporary position if the money and prestige of the job was good for my C.V.

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