Who's On-Line Now?

Tuesday 19 February 2008

First Day

Does everyone think that they have made a big mistake when they start a new job? Because I keep getting that feeling!
Contractually I am precluded from commenting about my job on the internet, can you believe that? But F**k it!
I was all but ignored for my first hour at my new job, after changing into my uniform (woefully inadequate for working 7 shifts in a row, I have only been provided with 3 shirts!). Eventually I was placed with another guard who I stayed with for the rest of the day. Unfortunately he didn't speak very clear English, as is the case with all but 3 other guards. I have nothing against Nepalese, African or Polish people, but if they are working in security then they should be able to communicate effectively. My trainer said his F's as P's and his V's as B's which made the whole day confusing.
I must have confused my interview for this job with my interview for the other job as there is progression possible here, but only in position name and not in money! They even asked me to work 2 extra hours today, my first day! I'm not overwhelmed with enthusiasm.
I think I really need to get out of the bloody security industry, before I sink with it!

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