Who's On-Line Now?

Saturday 27 October 2007


I actually received my final wage slip through this morning, but it is impossible to tell what they have paid me for, or, more to the point, what they haven't! I emailed the woman who deals with wages yesterday so she said she would send me a pay-checker so I can see what exactly they have paid me for, that should be interesting. I think I am short by about £400, but it's hard to tell as I know they will be taking some money back for my SIA licences.

Also today I have had to wash my quilt cover again (after only putting it on the bed a couple of days ago) as Frank decided to wipe his bottom on it! (Sorry if you are eating). Frank still has the cone on his neck to prevent him from biting his stitches out, so he can't actually clean himself and so doesn't realise when he has ............ shall we say, "hangers on"!!!!!! I guess it isn;t too much of a problem as long as he doesn't do it again. He has done it on the carpet in a couple of places, but that's not in my room and Kevin said he will get the carpet properly cleaned in a week or so. I do linke how affectionate Frank has become now though. I was sat in the lounge yesterday catching up on Home & Away and he climbed up onto the sofa and lay next tome with his head in my lap. He never used to do that at all!

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