Who's On-Line Now?

Thursday 4 October 2007


I went to work last night for the last of my 6 shifts, and on the way there received a call from Tim to say that he was out tonight if I wanted to meet him for a drink. I really wanted to go out, but, as I was working I couldn't. I carried on my way to work.
After being at work for about 45 minutes my manager came into the control room and asked to see me outside (never a good thing!). He handed me a letter and said "Don't shoot the messenger, I have managers above me!" He then walked off!
I was wracking my brain to try and think what I could have done wrong!
The letter stated that I was being suspended with immediate effect (on full pay) so that an investigation can take place into allegations that I was in alternate employment as the director of another company.
I was in shock and couldn't help but think how ironic it was considering Bob had told me he had decided to wrap the company just a couple of days previously.
I logged off my computers, packed up my bag and went home. I got changed and decided to meet Tim for a drink after all. We had a few drinks in (well, outside) the Duke of Wellington, Comptons, Admiral Duncan and Rupert Street before Tim went home and I went on to Barcode.
In Barcode I got talking to one of the barmen, Kevin, who was in there drinking not working for a change, and to one of his friends Clint. Kevin had sent me a text the other day and I couldn't remember which barman he was (oops). I don't even recall ever giving him my number, but then I forget quite a bit when I've had a drink or twelve! I also chatted to a couple of other people. After Barcode I went on to 79CXR (so you can tell that I was drunk, otherwise I wouldn't have gone there!). I had one drink there and then came home.

Throughout the night I had been texting Andy (who I was meant to be working with), just to wind him up that I was being paid to be out drinking and he wasn't. He informed me that they had not got anyone to cover my position for ages, as my manager had expected me to continue working the rest of my shift before going on my suspension! Can you believe that!!

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