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Thursday 11 October 2007

Suspension - the documentation

I went to work this morning to collect the documentation that my manager had told me I needed to collect. He asked me yesterday to go to reception and ask for him and he would bring it down to me. I did this and it turns out that he wasn't even in work today. How typical of the way the "managers" there act!
Someone else brought the envelope down to me, the woman who had been taking notes in my investigation meeting. She also happens to be the woman who had made a complaint against me a few months ago because I said to her that management had "F****d up!", saying that I had sworn AT her! The complaint was not followed through!
The envelope was A4 size and of the self-sealing variety, but was stuck down with a dirty piece of Sellotape, suggesting that it had been opened and resealed, possibly several times. So I wonder who has read it that maybe shouldn't have?

In the envelope was a copy of my original suspension letter, the letter I had never received for my Tuesday meeting and a letter rescheduling for next Monday at 11:00. It also contained another copy of my contract and a copy of a letter stating I am a company director of Worldsafe. And that was it!
So, all my wondering of what possible complaint they could have about me, other than my "moonlighting", was for nothing! THAT is their sole complaint and I really do not see the big deal. I never let my work for Worldsafe affect my work for my current employer. If anything, I was more focussed on monitoring world and local events than any of my colleagues, because it also would affect any possible clients we would get with Worldsafe.

So, if that is the only thing, then I feel they are probably just making an example of me, as they take over the contract from the old company, to warn other employees. Ignoring the 5+ years of, if I do say so myself, exemplary work for the company we are contracted to!


Unknown said...

Just to say hello again. Take care.


Alex said...

Hey again Sven. Just out of curiosity, how did you find the blog? And do you have your own?