Who's On-Line Now?

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Suspension - still waiting

After yesterday's call from my manager, I was expecting another call at some point yesterday to confirm when my "next" appointment would be for my disciplinary. I didn't get a call all day, or an email, and surprisingly not a letter either! I wonder if I will get a call today? And, if I do, will it be asking where I am as I should have been there at ?? o'clock! At least I'm still being paid!
Oh, and I don't want to jinx anything, but I think my stomach is feeling better today! Fingers crossed that it stays that way.


Unknown said...


I just found your blog and it's great.Good writer!. Good luck with everything.Maybe someday will see each other in Soho.


Alex said...

Hey Sven, good to hear from new readers. Please comment as much as you like, I'm always frustrated that I get so few comments.
I hope to keep things entertaining.