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Friday 12 October 2007

Birthday Boy From Oz

Today I am really happy because I get to focus on one of my Top Ten Men and wish Hugh Jackman a very happy birthday. (Like I need an excuse to focus on him!!)
Hugh is 39 today, making him just 4 years older than me. Interesting! Shame he is straight, married and the father of two lovely kids. Seeing the pictures of him playing at the beech with his kids was amazing. On top of being a great dad, he is also a great actor, singer and dancer and, from the interviews that I have seen, has a great sense of humour. Oh and he is gorgeous, fit, 6' 2 1/2" tall, and has a look for every occassion. Wow.
Being Australian, he fits in nicely in the UK and in the US, Australia being the melting pot of all the good things from both countries and amazing traits uniquely their own.
I first noticed Hugh as Wolverine in the X-Men film and he quickly became a favourite of mine. Since then I have seen only a few of his other films, X-Men 2 & 3, Van Helsing and Swordfish. But I think I could probably watch him in anything (I'm assuming he takes his top off in every production he is in?)
Hugh, have a fantastic day, I hope you are enjoying it and not having to work.

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