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Tuesday 16 October 2007

My night

Well, I almost had a date tonight. I've chatted to a guy on Manhunt (its like Gaydar) a couple of times and he, jokingly I think, asked if I fancied meeting for drinks tonight as I'd said I had nothing planned. I bit the bullet and said yes straight away. I think that threw him, as he wouldn't confirm when or where he wanted to meet up. I eventually got a bit pissed off with this, as I'd been hanging around the whole day waiting for an email and letter neither of which turned up, telling me my fate at work. I couldn't face waiting around to see if he really wanted to meet up! I think I was very patient though as I waited until 18:30 before I gave up and sent him a text saying:
"Shall we leave drinks for another night then?"
About half an hour later he sent a message back saying:
":-( oh ok then"
I really can't work out if he actually did want to meet up. This is why I hate making plans to meet through these sites! I would much prefer being introduced to someone in a bar or at work or something, at least then you can't put off the meeting! But, no one ever introduces me to someone cute, well not recently anyway! [hint hint to all my friends reading!]

On top of this Frankie seems to be a lot worse than before he went to the vet! His back leg can hardly support his weight at all now, whereas before he seemed to be getting better. I am really worried about him now. I think the stress of the last week finally got to me, along with worrying about Frankie. I was close to tears earlier, when I saw Frankie still trying to play despite not being able to run or climb as he used to. So sad.


Caliope said...

Cats are tough and have amazing powers of recuperation, hence their reputation for having 9 lives.

Alex said...

Hopefully that will be true, as you can see from my next posting, he has been granted a reprieve and so hopefully will be 100% better very soon.