Who's On-Line Now?

Monday 29 October 2007

Wages - latest

Also today, I heard back from my old job. They sent me a wage checker and it confirmed that I was 5 days short on my pay packet, because, for some unknown reason, they pay my suspended days to me separately! I will get those on Friday, apparently (though I won't hold my breath as they are bound to be late and / or wrong!).
I'm also waiting to get a refund on the money I had on my i.d. pass (for the vending machines at work!). It may only have been about £5 but why should they benefit from it?
I never heard from the firm that I had the assessment day with, though they did say they would let me know by today! Hopefully they were just busy and I should get a call tomorrow.
Bob did let me know that he is going for an assessment day on Thursday there though, so I may end up working with him yet again! Who knows?

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