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Sunday 21 October 2007

Happy Birthday Mum

Today would have been my mum's birthday. She died 9 years ago from ovarian cancer which took her quite quickly. Since then I have thought of so many things that I have wanted to tell her, and things that I wanted to do for her. My greatest wish, while she was alive was to earn enough money to allow her to stop working and enjoy her life. Obviously I never got to do this, but she probably would have been bored anyway. She very rarely stopped for more than an hour, she even found it difficult to stop when she was recovering from her hysterectomy about 20 years ago, despite being nagged by myself and my siblings about it.
She was a wonderful parent, being both father and mother to us all after my dad died when I was 7, and with four kids she had her work cut out for her. She worked full-time and still cooked and did most of the housework.
I wish we had all shown our appreciation for her while she was alive. Mum I miss you.

1 comment:

gab said...

aww happy birthday to your mum i know how youre feeling so many things i wanted to say to mine you only thinkabot them after xxxxxxxx