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Friday 5 October 2007


I have just finished watching Brokeback Mountain on dvd for the second time. I left it months between watching, unlike some of my other dvd's which I can watch almost monthly sometimes, as I think I can only take watching this film very few times, and even then only when I am in the right frame of mind. It is just far too upsetting to watch. Both times it has had me in tears. It is one of THE best films ever made, it tells a story that is there for the viewer to work out if they want. I guess a lot of films are like that, but this one really got me. Or should I say, I really got it!
I believe it should be read / shown in schools as a cautionary tale of what people can be subjected to, or subject themselves to, just because of the opinions of others, or because of the discriminations imposed by an injust system.It is the most powerful love story I have ever seen, and so well acted by everyone, but especially by Jake and Heath (but I am slightly biased when it comes to Jake). I don't want to ruin the story for anyone who hasn't already seen it. But, if you haven't then SHAME ON YOU. For anyone who isn't sickened by homosexuality, and those of you who are should really be focussing on the reason for your intolerance, then this film is something you should see at some point before you die. Most people, who pay attention, will wind up feeling lucky that they have such a blessed existence and do not have to experience one iota of what these characters endure. The sad thing is, after watching the film, I realise that however little the characters have of each other in their lives, they still have an infinite more than I do. That is the really sad thing about it.

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