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Wednesday 10 October 2007

Pokemon Pals

I've just found some more Pokemon who look like people I know:
This one, Chimchar, reminds me of a mate I used to work with: Darren aka Monkey Boy;

Then we have Meowth, who reminds me of Andy who I work(ed) mainly with - Meow;Girafarig reminds me of my sister, Maxine is tall and has a really nice side, but has a dark side in her past;Snorlax reminds me of my other sister's husband, Adrian who is a big bloke, who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat;And Ampharos reminds me a bit of my eldest nephew, Arron (Adrian's eldest son) as he has recently had a spurt of growth, so much so that he is the same height as me now!

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