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Friday 19 October 2007

Frankie is home - again

Kevin brought Frankie back from the vet again this afternoon. He has a massive scar on his hip, the area has been shaved and he can hardly put any weight on it at the moment. He has a funnel around his neck to stop him from biting his stitches out and we have him in a cage at the moment so he doesn't hurt himself climbing over the furniture.
He is looking very sorry for himself, and I think he is a bit p****d of at us all for "putting him through this", but he still wants attention and enjoyed me stroking him and tickling his belly earlier. I'm leaving him alone, pretty much, today as I can't bear to see him as he is. But I will try and spend time with him every couple of hours from tomorrow. It's not as if I am doing anything else!!


gab said...

aww poor little fella hope hes ok xxxxxxx

Alex said...

I made a fuss of him before I went to bed, let him out for a bit of a wander around, and gave him some Marmite, which he loves. He seemed happy to go backto his cage after about 10 minutes though. I'll have to ask Kevin how long until the stitches come out. I'll be happier when I can't see the nasty scar on his hip!

gab said...

bless u got quite attached to him havent you