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Thursday 11 March 2010

Dreams & Reality

Last night I had a dream that I was married (to a woman) and we had 2 kids, a boy and a girl (both about 8 years old). For some reason we were buying 2 fire engines from a dodgy geezer and had split up in twos to drive the 2 vehicles away (I was with my son and the wife with our daughter). We had a series of misadventures escaping from the dodgy guy (or a different dodgy guy) and ended up scrapping the fire engines in accidents but getting our original money back somehow! Very strange (especially the bit about being married!).

When I left the flat to head to work this morning I saw a massive plume of smoke from the direction of the building I worked in and half-heartedly hoped that it was my building so that I would have a busy, and thus quick day. As I got closer to work I realised that it wasn't where I worked and my day began to lose it's shine.
It turned out that a restaurant nearby had a fire which had spread to the four floors above and there had been up to 25 fire engines (and 100 fire fighters) involved.
It made me wonder if I had heard the sirens of all these engines while I was sleeping to subconsciously influence my dream? I wonder?

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