Who's On-Line Now?

Monday 16 April 2007

Sick and tired (in more ways than one!)

I was working nights last night, but still I received a phone call from Donna Smith from our head office at 12:30 trying to bully me into agreeing to sign our new contract, despite the fact that they have added an extra item into the contract that was previously taken out. Basically, they want us to provide cover for the position that I and a few others were told we were not good enough to do!
When I could eventually get a word in, I said before the consultation period that I would not be willing to do this if I didn't get the job and was told that we wouldn't have to!
She had me so wound up that I couldn't get back to sleep. I sent an email to my colleagues Bob and Ron, but told them not to phone me as I was going to try to get back to sleep. What happens 15 minutes later? Ron phones me!! (He hadn't read his email!).
I did eventually get back to sleep and I receive another call from work at about 14:00 asking me to swap from a night shift to a day shift on Thursday. I agreed as it suited me (an extra few hours on my time off!). So I will not actually be working on my new shift until 7th May now! They are such crap organisers.

Oh, and my throat is really sore, I ache all over from fever, and I still do not have use of the bathroom!! Other than that, life is great!

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