Who's On-Line Now?

Sunday 15 April 2007

I missed it!!

Yesterday, Lee had woken me early (at about 11:00) despite me telling him I was on nights. I eventually got up in the late afternoon and made my way into town. I phoned him when I had left home, but got his voicemail. I asked him to phone me when he got the message.
I got my comics and then had some lunch in Soho Square. It was such a lovelly day. After about an hour I walked back home and then fell asleep on my bed. I woke up in time to catch the last five minutes of Dr Who. I was really annoyed as this was the only thing that I definately wanted to do all day! Apparently it was a good episode too!
There was a hint of what (WHO) is to come at the end of the series! And the Black Dalek next week. Fantastic!
Oh and Lee never phoned back! And for that matter he still hasn't!

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