Who's On-Line Now?

Monday 30 April 2007

Fun Fun Fun

Well they are funny if you have a sick sense of humour like me. Thanks to "Alex Asks..." for these:

Has anyone seen the new grill along the same lines as the George Foreman. This time it's been made by Simon Weston and he hopes it'll make him as much money as it has for Foreman. I see no reason why it shouldn't personally, Westons actually got a better marketing strategy. “Hi, I'm Simon Weston and I'd like to talk to you about my new grill........................
...................................It's so good I put my face on it.”

Ian Brady says to the prison guard, ‘I’m pissed off, I haven’t had a holiday in years!’.To which the guard says, ‘Come off it Brady, a few years ago we took you up to Saddleworth Moor, you had 3 days up there – all those wide open spaces and fresh clean air’. Brady replies, ‘Fair enough, but what kind of holiday was that with the kids under me feet?!"

What's black and shoots across the room?

Marvin Gaye's Dad.

Why are American pilots like gay porn stars?
Both shoot up their friends asses on camera.

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