Who's On-Line Now?

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Bad Luck, Good Luck

Yesterday at work I had to stay back an extra 15 minutes as someone had come in late and control had sent someone else who was banned from site. I hadn't had too bad a day so I didn't mind too much, it just grates a little when you know your time is done and you should be going home, no matter how long you have worked.
I was woken this morning at around 03:30 by a lot of sirens and commotion about 100m down the road from the flat. There were 3 fire engines, 4 police cars and a police van. I could see no flames or smoke, but one of the engines did have a hose out ready. I never found out what was happening as I knew I had to go back to bed, but when I went past the scene opn my way to work this morning there was still a police van parked there with the small alley cordoned off behind it! I guess I will never know.
Today, just as I was about to go on my lunch break we had a fire alarm and evacuation which took half an hour to sort so I was late going for my break. I also missed my afternoon tea break as there was stuff to do. I was lucky though as the line I was on allowed me to be let home early, meaning that I got away 50 minutes earlier than I should.
A little while after I got home, while watching the news, it was announced that the cause of the Cutty Sark fire was a faulty vacuum cleaner and that security guards at the site had falsified records so they could leave early. I felt a bit guilty. For less than a microsecond!!!!! I deserve to leave early more than I am allowed as, a lot of the time I am the first one in and the last one to leave, my manager and supervisor are always leaving early and so are the "crap" guards because my manager would rather they were off-site than sat in the same room as him! Good enough reason eh?
One more day shift and then four nights.

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