Who's On-Line Now?

Friday 5 September 2008


I know it sounds a bit weird, especially coming from a misery like me, but this morning I woke up smiling. I have no idea why, but I have been in a good mood ever since the weekend. I think it must have done me more good than I thought, seeing all of my family again. I also think that, although I didn't really want to do it for embarrassment reasons, doing the speach at my sister's wedding also helped boost my confidence and thus my mood.
All in all it was a very good experience and I had such a good time. I keep telling everyone I see about it. I told everyone at work and chatted to one of my flatmates yesterday about it too. It is just a shame that I can't go out in town and tell the whole of Soho about it too! That will have to wait until Wednesday (payday).
I just hope that this great mood that I am in lasts at least until then! To show how good my mood is, I even am not that bothered by the HUGE spot that has developed on my bottom lip overnight! (Probably helps that I know I'm not going out, and hence not many people will see it!)
Smiling is great, innit!?! I should really do it more often!


Ray's Cowboy said...

I am very happy you are in a good mood. You deserve it. Keep up the Smile. Hop eyou weekend is filled with laughter and smiles.

Alex said...

Thanks Ray, same back at ya too.