Who's On-Line Now?

Monday 1 September 2008

Back to Reality

I was back to work today, and had to be woken up by my alarm which is not usually the case. I was really tired at work today. It didn't help that I was supervisor today, which means that I had very little to do of any variety and so I was struggling in the control room to stay awake all morning. To top this off we had two guards turn up late this morning, one had a legitimate excuse, the other didn't even bother with an excuse, he just waltzed past the manager at the door with a freshly bought cup of coffee ten minutes late and then took another ten minutes to get to the control room (presumably so that he could finish his coffee!). Not a very good start to his first proper day at work. He then proceeded to be late to every position without excuse and was basically useless. He moved the desk at one position because he was cold and turned the heater on at reception for the same reason (yesterday was the hottest day for weeks in the UK and today wasn't cold at all). He messed up the paperwork at our contractors entrance and then my manager sent him home early because he didn't want him sitting in the same room as him. The poor guard who had turned up on time was the only one to go home late!
I was still at work 20 minutes after I was due to finish as one of the night guards had failed to turn up also. Control had failed to tell him that he was due to be working, and he had told them that he wouldn't be able to get in before 21:00 (2 hours late). Luckily for me, my manager offered to stay and wait for him.
I just hope that tomorrow isn't as stressful and that the useless one bucks his ideas up, but I am not going to hold my breath for that!
I meant to go to bed early tonight, but I have had so much to do and to catch up on because of my brilliant weekend away that I have not been able to. I am going to iron a shirt and then head off straight after that. G'night!

1 comment:

Ray's Cowboy said...

my heart goes out for you.