Who's On-Line Now?

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Back to the Grind Stone

Well, I am about to head off to bed as I am back to work tomorrow morning after a whole two weeks off and having accomplished nothing jobs-wise and only managing to go out twice. But it was really nice just not having to go to work, being tired and bored the whole time. Hopefully, things will be a bit busier at work now and we will have more to do, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I wonder who has been sacked and hired while I've been off, there have bound to have been some changes. I'll let you know tomorrow.
I am going to have to grin and bear things though as, with the current financial climate and the recent events with Lehman Bros, Merril Lynch, AIG and HBOS there are even fewer options for me, who has no qualifications and no real skills. I will just have to wait until I either I have saved enough to pay for some courses, or until I win the premium bonds or the lottery. Which do you think will come first?

1 comment:

Ray's Cowboy said...

Hope you get a good nights rest and ready for work .