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Tuesday 3 June 2008

Bad Day At Work

I think it may be just the repetition of day shifts, especially as I had 8 consecutive day shifts in my last shift rotation and was on my second of this one today, but I was so incredibly bored today. It felt like the day was never going to end. Nothing happened the whole day so it felt like an exercise in futility just to be there, colliding with an experiment in temporal larghissimo and combined with a tedium Olympics. I think that almost does the feeling of boredom that I was feeling justice.
I was forward planned enough to take some comics into work today so that, when I'd finished reading the papers (all five of them), I still had something to do on my breaks. I really need to find some way of keeping myself entertained at work, as I am bored of sudoku and kokuro now.
More to the point I need to find a different type of employment. I am still looking for my writing break, so anyone who knows anyone on a magazine, paper or website that needs a freelance writer for any topic (but preferably social commentary, biographies or reviews) then please put my name forward to them, or let me have their contact details and I'll contact them.
This year is my year of "change for the better," I have decided so I really have to start putting myself forward for the things that I want.

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