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Sunday 11 May 2008

The Doctor's Daughter

********Spoiler Warning********

I've just caught up on Dr Who's latest episode, The Doctor's Daughter, after missing it last night on my less-than-enjoyable night out. I had been warned that this episode was possibly the weakest one of this season, but I thought that, over all, it was quite enjoyable, though slightly rushed.
The story introduced a sort-of clone "daughter" of the Doctor created by the machines on the planet Messaline. She is fully grown at the time of her "birth" and has inbuilt knowledge of military strategy, fighting and some knowledge of her "father." Indeed her first line is "Hello Dad!"
What is especially great and exciting for fanboys like myself is that the actress playing Jenny, as she comes to be known, Georgia Moffett, is the real life daughter of Peter Davidson, the Fifth Doctor. And, watching Confidential afterwards Georgia reveals that she went to school with the daughter of Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor).
During the episode, as the Doctor comes to terms with having a "daughter" he explains, once again, that he has "been a father before." Though no daughter has been seen that I am aware of, there have been three grandchildren: John and Gillian who have appeared in the comic strip stories and, of course, Susan who was a companion of the original Doctor when the series first began back in 1963. What relationship these characters have to Jenny, if any, is unknown, but we sure want to find out!
Early in the story the human soldiers explain their "creation myth" stating that, "The Great One breathed life into the universe and then she looked at what she had done, and sighed." I wonder if this will be picked up on in a later story, bringing back Jenny to the planet to give birth to her own story? It could happen, if she gets to travel with the Doctor at some point and he takes her back in time. It could well explain why the Doctor's hand took control of the TARDIS and took them to the planet but made them land "too early." And he "sigh" could be the breath she exhibits upon her resuscitation.
Jenny "dies" near the end of the story, saving the Doctor's life, and so the viewer is made to wonder, "will she, or won't she?" Regenerate, that is. But, as of the time of the Doctor's (and Martha and Donna's) leaving, she is still "dead." It is only in the final scene of the episode that she revives in a scene reminiscent of one of the Doctor's past regenerations (apparently the 7th to 8th Doctor's if the Dr Who Wiki is to be believed), but also of another time that I can't quite put my finger on, maybe when Rose when she briefly joined with the TARDIS's vortex energies as the Bad Wolf entity? I'd have to watch it again to be sure. Then again, one energy looks much like another, doesn't it?
There was some great humour in the show, such as when the Doctor produced a wind-up toy mouse from his coat pocket to distract a soldier. Why would he have that? The fact that he does is brilliant.
Also, when they first land after the TARDIS takes them to the planet, and they walk out the door I even get a mention! Well, sort of! Okay it's not me but, hey, it could have been. Martha is telling Donna how she "loves this bit" when they first go out of the TARDIS door not knowing what they would find, "It's that feeling you get.." she says, "Like you swallowed a HAMSTER!" finishes Donna.
I loved the Hath, a fish-like semi-humanoid alien race who have jam jars attached to the front of their faces to enable them to breath (I presume). I wonder if Guinness World Records have a section for the actor playing the most different roles in a single television series, because, if they do, then Paul Kasey would have to be the title holder after all of the alien characters he has played in Dr Who.
All in all I enjoyed the episode and thought that Georgia Moffett was great as Jenny and I wonder if she is going to reappear in the episode with everyone else toward the end of this season that I mentioned last week (I think).
Also, if you watch Confidential carefully, you will see Tim at least twice and in one of the shots he even has his arms unfolded! Shock horror! It's almost as if he is getting more confident and feels like he should actually be there! About time!

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