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Thursday 8 May 2008

Aussie's Know How To Take It!!

Defeat that is!

Thanks to Dudetube, I "came" across this highly entertaining video of the Australian rugby squad commiserating an embarrassing loss to Lithuania (I didn't even know they played rugby there!) this week. They lost 48-0 and decided to overcome their sorrow by performing a song and a strip for local diners in Vilnius. I can't imagine that any other nation (with the exception of New Zealand) would perform in such a manner after losing spectacularly to such underdogs as Lithuania. I don't think that the England team have the personality to carry off such an amusing forfeit (yes, that is a challenge if any of the England Rugby Squad are reading).
All credit to the Aussie's, they take defeat well and I'm sure went on after this performance to down a few pints, where is anyone's guess, but I'm sure if you listen carefully to the conversation after the strip someone mentions a gay club! If only I had been in that club that night. I would have loved to have seen the Aussies going down in Lithuania, after going down to Lithuania.
YouTube has hidden the embedded code for this video so you have to go there to watch it, or try this Lithuanian (?) site.

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