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Sunday, 6 January 2008

Pissed Off

I am sitting here wondering what to do with myself, as it is the last of my 4 days off and I have done absolutely nothing with my time. This, for a change, isn't due to my lack of action it is due to my lack of money and the poor state of my health. I currently have £13 to last me until payday, which blessedly is on Friday. I have to get all my work meals out of that too though and I am working day shifts for Monday to Thursday!! Bummer.
I really do not know how much I am going to get paid as I don't know what rate I will be taxed at! I have only recently received my p45 from my last job (which ended over 2 months ago) so I have no way of working out my money in advance of payday. But, when Friday comes, I will work out exactly how much I have to pay out and then work out what is left. Hopefully I won't spend every penny as I also want to start reducing my overdraft down (which I am always virtually up to the limit on, like today!).
I had a review of my debts just before Christmas and should have that paid off in 1 1/2 years, but hopefully, if I can get a better paid job, I want to get some money in the bank to pay that off alot earlier. If I can do that, then my life will be so much simpler as I will have nearly £500 extra a month to spend on little 'ol me! Maybe I can then get a bloody holiday at long last (my last one was in 1994!), though I would still need to find someone to go with unless I can save enough to get to Melbourne and visit Deano!!
Anyway, that is about as far as I have got for a New Year's Resolution at the moment:
Sort out my finances!

The recurring one of:
Find a boyfriend

...is always there but I am not going to focus on that as it reaks of desperation (yes, I know I am but I don't want to advertise the fact too much, except to my friends who should be tearing their hair out trying to think of single HOT guys to match me up with! Hint, Hint, Guys).

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