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Thursday, 9 July 2009

Torchwood - Children of Earth - Day 4


The true horror of this whole marvelous story was revealed tonight. The greatest threat that could ever face the human race reared its ugly head and made itself known. Torchwood recorded it and threatened to expose it to the world at large.
The real threat to Earth is government.
The very people who are elected to run our countries, to keep us going and to keep us safe, are the very people who will decide who will be sacrificed "for the greater good." Those people who are in their positions through good fortune alone (whether that be through being born into the right family, getting the right education, or just getting the right opportunities), those people are the ones who will sell out those less fortunate in their charge while ensuring their families are safe and secure, no matter what the circumstances.
The horror of this story is so terrifying because we all know, consciously or subconsciously, that it happens every day in every country. Not just in those countries run by tyrants, but those in the "free world" too. Especially those in the "free world," because they are the ones who are doing it surreptitiously.

Think nuclear / chemical weapons [developed without public knowledge; used without public approval];
Think wars [waged without public consent, for wealth not freedom];
Think Guantanamo Bay [mass incarcerations without trial];
Think Rendition [torture hiding behind semantics];
Think terrorism [deals made, warnings ignored, opportunities missed through pride];

That is what government has to answer for but never does.

Think Official Secrets Act [and what multitude of horrors could be hidden behind that].

Children of Earth is a thrilling ride told over the space of 5 days, leaving you wanting more every time and delivering just enough to keep you hooked. I personally am torn between wanting to see the final instalment tomorrow and never wanting this story to end.
I am also in denial about Ianto. Will there be a way back for him? It doesn't look likely, but with the Dr Who franchise you never know.
Looks like I am staying in tomorrow night again.

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