****Like that is any different to normal****
Sorry I didn't post a personal item yesterday, but once again I couldn't get onto any Blogger sites at all, all evening.Today, I have had a pretty stressful day. It wasn't really anything major, but I just became really fed up with all the gossiping, moaning (I know, hypocrite), back-biting, butting-in and unprofessional behaviour.To start with the guy who was late in last night wasn't happy when I pulled him up on it. I warned him that the new company had already threatened to get rid of guards and he thought I was telling him I was going to get him sacked. I corrected him, telling that I was just giving him advanced notice of their intentions and if anyone was going to get him the sack he needed no help from others. Then one of the day guards didn't turn up and I had to phone him. He said that he didn't know he was working, despite two other sources telling me that he had been told. Then there was all the usual gossipping from the fat guard, disagreeing with everything from the smelly young guard, and the seemingly non-stop diatribes from the third guard. Someone, and I have an idea who, whinged on the phone to the old manager when he phoned (as he does allegedly in his capacity as a scheduler now about 15 times a day). He then whinged to someone at head office, who in turn told my new manager to change the rosters so that everyone had to do a certain position (which is better off being manned by the same person all day for various reasons). I was left with this job, as my new manager is apparently incapable of operating a computer for more than opening email, but I only had an hour to do it (once he had left so I could use his desk, which has the only available computer to our department at the moment). All this and a few other niggly bits which have been on-going since Tuesday really began to stress me out, making me less than accommodating with my staff than usual. Normally I am quite placid at work (but I let stuff build up and eventually, like today, I explode at anyone and everyone!). My old manager phoned and asked why I hadn't responded to his text (sent about 10 minutes previously). I replied that I was slightly busy rewriting the weekend and weekday rosters because of his interference at head office. He replied by saying that "my guards" should stop phoning him to complain then and hung up the phone, very unlike him to get into a strop like that. His further two (again unnecessary calls were very brief). I am so glad to get out of that place for a few days. They have a guard covering the supervisors position tomorrow who hasn't done it before. And then a poor team of guards on Monday for the day shift. To top it off on the ex-manager's last call I hope I heard wrong when I thought he told me that he was covering a vacant position on this site on Sunday! He really doesn't want to be doing that! Idiot!I am back to work on Wednesday night, if there is still a building left standing. To be honest I don't care if it isn't! It is Brighton Pride tomorrow and I was hoping to de-stress while attending that, but I have no one to go with (and am not too sure about the weather), so I think I will give it a miss. Oh well.