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Sunday 17 December 2006

Appraisal time

I meant to blog this the other day (when it actually happened!).

I had to come in early to work on Thursday, 2 hours early, to have my 6-monthly appraisal. For some reason they couldn't schedule it for a time when I was on a day shift! (The reason being that they are crap at organisaing anything!).

Well, I wasn't looking forward to the appraisal as it was with a manager who has no idea what we actually do in our team, and he isn't much of a manager either! The appraisal actually went really well, I think I will let this manager do my appraisal again.

Most people go into their appraisal hoping to get a good shore as it decides what, if any, bonus you get. For the last 2 appraisals I've had though, I have got nothing for a bonus because my marks came out as just "meets expectations" and not "exceptional!"

That'll teach me for being honest!

This year I marked myself with what I thought I was worth compared to my colleagues (instead of by what the actual paperwork described). So, for every section I marked myself as 5 out of a possible 6! I was pleasantly surprised to find that this manager kept trying to mark me UP from the 5 to a 6! I actually talked myself out of 6's in a couple of cases, which results in me getting a "Very Good" mark instead of an "Exceptional", but, at least I should get some bonus this time.

Basically, this manager kept trying to mark me UP because I was giving text book answers for the questions he was asking! So, all this goes to prove is that I have had appraisals before and know what answers to give to given questions!

In other words, I blagged it!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I can do the job, and I do it well! Even if I do say so myself! But the managers only seem to see what they want to, and they fall for all the fawning and arse-licking that goes on rather than actually noticing talent!

From what this manager was saying too, the other people on my shift, whose appraisals he also conducted, made certain comments which seemed to indicate to him that I was an unofficial leader on the shift, as if the others always referred to me for leadership! I hadn't noticed this myself. I know I don't feel like a leader, and I definately don't want to BE a leader! I always look at it that we are a team and we all refer to the knowedge and experience of each other. But if management want to think good things about me all the better, especially with this new position coming up (which we still don't have full details about!). I was actually quite chuffed to hear that my peers think of me this way.

So, anyway, my ACTUAL manager now has to look at the appraisal forms and make any changes to the marks that I enterred and the other manager enterred. So I could still be marked up further, or down for that matter! But it looks like I WILL get a bonus, but we don't get this bonus until January's pay packet on the 15th January!

Merry Christmas eh?

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