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Monday 1 December 2008

World AIDS Day - Remember

The Red Ribbon Project was originally designed and launched in 1991 by the New York Visual Aids Artists Caucus to show compassion for and solidarity with people with HIV /AIDS. It was first publicly worn by several celebrities at the 1991 Tony Awards, with Jeremy Irons being the first person to be seen on screen wearing one at the ceremony. The red ribbon quickly became the symbol of AIDS awareness worldwide. Now it is de rigueur for all celebrities to wear the ribbon on and around 1st December, World AIDS Day. Although certain media do still focus upon the real meaning of the Red Ribbon, most overlook it and often celebrities seem to just be wearing one as a “must-have” fashion accessory. I’m sure if you asked a few of the not-so-intelligent younger celebrities and reality stars that most of them would have no idea why they were wearing it or what it truly represents. I wear a Red Ribbon to show that I remember the relatively few people I have known who have died through the complications of AIDS and that I am thinking of those living friends that I know are still dealing with the very real issues facing those with HIV / AIDS. I wear a Red Ribbon to show that I am not ashamed to be seen as a supporter of those dealing with this terrible disease which is mainly spread through love and passion, activities which should never be punished.
I buy a Red Ribbon as one of the few charitable acts that I perform during the year, as this is one that I really believe in and which affects me and those around me.
I urge others to buy Red Ribbons to spread the word about the hope and progress which has been and is constantly being made with the research that the money from the sale of the Red Ribbons helps to fund.
I believe in the Red Ribbon. I believe that it is a symbol of hope and unity, of caring and loving, and of past, present and future for those with HIV / AIDS and their loved ones. I believe that we will beat this demon AIDS. Though it will be too late for some, the more people who believe and support HIV / AIDS care and research the sooner we will be there and the sooner our loved ones will stop having to suffer.


Ray's Cowboy said...

I wear one, for I have lost to many freinds. In remberance of them.
Hugs the Hamster tight with love.

Anonymous said...

It d0es'nt matter wh0 the fuck I am, where I am, wh0ever I am with; that's n0t the reas0n, real 0r pretended f0r what that is given 0n
this DAY.