Who's On-Line Now?

Tuesday 25 April 2006

So tired.

Well, my decision was made for me yesterday. After getting in from night shift, I went to bed and didn't wake up until 18:30, so it was a bit too late to get ready to go out, so I stayed in and watched Prison Break. It just gets better and better, fantastic series. I know I keep going on about it but it is a must see program.
This morning I've realised that I forgot to get mys sister her birthday card, so I'll have to phone her later and apologise.
Am watching Paul O'Grady on Channel 4 (there is nothing else on, I don't normally watch this drivel), and he has some penguins on. Aparently it is Penguin Day today, to mark the day that Antarctic penguins begin their migration. What will they think of next?
I've slept most of today again and so have wasted the day. Have two more days off and still nothing planned (except comics on Thursday). Must do something.

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