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Monday 3 April 2006

Comics! I want comics!

I am skint. I have no money to spare at all, to buy comics until payday which is in 2 weeks time. I am not happy. I am short because I had two days off sick last month (I don't get sick pay), and it was a short months anyway, and I didn't budget for it very well. My own fault I guess, but I am gonna miss out on some major comics: Annihilation / Civil War / Moon Knight / Ms Marvel / Young Avengers / New Excalibur / Exiles etc., etc., etc., I just have to hope that they are not sold out by the time I get paid!
Spoiler Warning!!

They are apparently killing the Invisible Woman!! Can you believe it? There are so many other characters that they should kill, I really don't want it to be true. Apparently there will also be one other Fantastic Four character killed as well! (My guess would be Valeria).
I strongly believe that the majority of characters that are killed should remain dead, but Marvel tend to kill of great characters for no-real reason apart from sensationalism. I liked Hawkeye alot, and felt that he never really had a good shot at his own series'. I also liked Ant-Man (Scott Lang), though I understand I was probably in the minority. I loved Mockingbird, because she was willing to do what needed to be done, due to her S.H.I.E.L.D. training. I liked Thor and the whole Asgard thing, due to my interest in mythology, though I'm sure they will all come back within 5years, probably sooner. And Banshee has just been killed, I know his powers are duplicated in his daughter Siryn, but I would have prefered her to be killed not him, his history and character were far more interesting.
Northstar was killed, despite having a real reason to keep him alive and visible as Marvel's major gay character (I don't think he is likely to be involved in a relationship now that he is a Hand / HYDRA zombie, do you? Though I would love to see more of the characters who were turned into zombies. If anyone can tell me who all the costumed characters were who were turned into HYDRA / Hand agents I would love to know [I know there was Poison, Hornet of the Slingers,or an imposter of him, Northstar, Elektra, Vibro, SHOC, the Spot, but want to know all of them]).
I liked Wonder Man, and was happy when he returned. Ditto for Colossus, though I am not happy with the way he returned. The return of Alpha Flight's Guardian was handled quite well, though I wasn't entirely convinced.
Now Marvel have gone and brought back Bucky, the "original" dead hero who should never have been brought back from the dead. At least they have refrained from reanimating Mar-Vell (DO NOT get any ideas Marvel, that would be going TOO far).
With "What If" always being an option, then there is no reason for a character to be brought back from the dead. Occasionally, a character can thought to be dead, and return soon after, but long-time dead characters should remain dead and only be seen in flashback stories, alternate time lines (which I love, though there are a few too many of those alternate time line series' at the moment) or as impersonators.
Marvel had an idea a few years back, the title of the comic was Marvel Universe, in it they could have stories from any time, timeline, planet or of any character. Starting with the Invaders during World War II, then moving on to the Monster Hunters in the 50's. I was looking forward to stories of Ancient Greece with the Eternals and Hercules, Pre-Cataclysmic Lemuria, the Guardians of the Galaxy in the future, the history of the Imperial Guard of Shi'ar, the Silver Surfer before he came to Earth, the Golden Agency from the Squadron Supreme's Earth's World War II etc. but the series finished within a year. Another case of Marvel not giving titles a good chance.
Give it another go Marvel and you can use all the dead characters that you want. I would buy every issue as long as you used decent artist and writers.

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