Who's On-Line Now?

Sunday 1 October 2006

Irresponsible use of HIV campaigners money!

Los Angeles:
A billboard, paid for by the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Centre, has been put up around Southern California declaring, “HIV is a gay disease. Own it. End it.”
AIDS counsellors are worries that the ad campaign will further stigmatise the disease and affect research funding.
Source: UPI.com

My Take: I think this is a very foolish move by a LGBT organisation. Yes, gay men may be becoming more complacent about safe sex, but to declare HIV a “gay disease” will enforce anti-AIDS campaigner’s points of view, and give homophobic bigots further “reason” to attack gay men and lesbians in an attempt to “defeat the disease!” I think this should be condemned by all HIV and AIDS organisations and as many celebrities that can speak out against the claims of the ad, the better.

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