Who's On-Line Now?

Thursday, 15 November 2007


I went out last night and met Tim for drinks in our usual starting place, Barcode. Paul was there too which was nice, as we don't see him that often. From there we went to Rupert Street, Comptons, the Box and then went on to Mr Wu's for something to eat. After Mr Wu's we went back to Barcode and then Tim left after one. I stayed on for another drink, despite the lack of talent, and would have stayed longer but I ran out of money (I think I lost a tenner somewhere along the line, which is very annoying). All in all it was a good night out.
Tim told me about his upcoming "starring" role as an extra in one episode of Dr Who that he was involved in. Apparently they were short of extras and he was one of a few people asked to fill in. He had to shave his stubble off, slick his hair back and was nearly forced to take his earrings out (though he didn't have to in the end). He was quite disappointed that after shaving off his stubble, when the scene was played back he was just a blur in the background. Shame.

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