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Saturday 18 March 2006

X3 news

Am I the only person to have missed the fact that Jamie Madrox, Multiple Man will also be appearing in X3? I haven't seen any news of this until I just did a random image search on Google for Multiple Man. Eric Dane will be playing the Multiple Man in X3 as an ally of Magneto's Brotherhood. Now Madrox isn't one of my favorite characters, far from it, but I am all for introducing non-comic book fans to new characters whenever possible. So well done to whoever decided to put him in the new film. All the news that I'm hearing is making me want to see the film nore and more. And that is saying something, I was really excited when I saw the shadow in the water at the end of X2, so my enthusiasm is increasing exponentially.

By contrast I have seen that Arclight will also be in the film and I'm a bit wary about this. I like Arclight and would love to see her more in the comics, so hopefully her appearance in the film will be a prelude to this, but I don't like her look. Callisto could be good, and I have no opinion of Quill as he is such a minor character in the comics at the moment, again this could change. I am very worried about Vinnie Jones playing the Juggernaut though. He's not a very good actor (sorry Vinnie) and he really isn't big enough to play the Juggernaut, and isn't American (please say that he isn't going to attempt an accent?!).

1 comment:

Alex said...

Cheers Donnie, thanks for being the first to comment on my blog. Glad to know someones reading.
Ditto for your's too.