Who's On-Line Now?

Saturday 11 March 2006

Bored! Bored! Bored!

I'm sat here at work, bored stiff, with nothing to do as it is the weekend.
I don't know if you're aware, but the security industry is changing and from the 20th March all security will have to have licenses. There are quite a few within my company who are still waiting for their licenses, and won't be able to work without one.
Our "managers" are apparently issuing an email tomorrow advising of their master plan. Knowing their track record it will probably be along the lines of Clive Dunn in Dad's Army, "Don't Panic! Don't Panic!"
It will probably involve the 20-odd managers sat in their comfy office while the front line staff fill in the gaps. They will also probably ask us to do loads of overtime (despite limiting overtime over the last few months!). Personally I spend too much time here as it is so I won't be doing them any favours.

Saw this the other day and thought immediately of our bosses ....................

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