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Friday 31 March 2006

Home & Away

Was watching Home & Away yesterday, after missing it for nearly a week for various reasons, and it is really good at the moment. It turns out that Irene isn't really mad, it is because Corey is poisoning her with Mercury Crystals!!! The swine.
Have just read that Scott and Hayley finally give in to their feelings today, about time, just wish it was the real Hayley not the imposter (I just don't feel the same about the character since the actress changed).
This was not just an excuse to post a picture of Kip Gamblin either, before you think it was!! But as I've mentioned him, here he is with the real Hayley (bring her back, pleeeese)....

Just found out that he is leaving Home & Away too, was devastated for a while until I found out that he has landed a role as a paramedic in Casualty, whew. Once a week is better than nothing I guess.

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