Who's On-Line Now?

Friday 24 March 2006

Gay footballers?

Was discussing gay footballers at work tonight with my straight colleagues. The Ashley Cole story thing stared it off, with some other rumours one of my colleagues had heard. I wouldn't like to speculate on who is, without meeting them or knowing them who would know for sure? But, the odds are good for there being loads in the top football teams. If the widely accepted figure of 1 in 10 men are gay, then each first team would have at least one gay player. I could have great fun choosing who I would like to be THE gay one in each team, but shan't do that here.
I do think that it is about time that someone had the courage to just come out and say "Yep, I'm gay, but what does it matter." As soon as one comes out and takes the flack for a while it will be easier for the rest to come out. It would be great to have an honest representative in that world, but financially it could be suicide. And the only example that I know of a footballer coming out, Justin Fashanu ended with the guy committing suicide after being abandoned by other footballers and even his brother allegedly.

Freddie Ljungberg who I'm not saying is gay, though I wouldn't mind. The adverts he did for Calvin Klein were great, very horny. Come on guys take that first step, I'm sure the rest will follow close behind.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I have it on good authority (from his sister apparently) that Freddie Ljungberg actually is gay...

I'll tell you all about it over a beer/cider when you can tell me who the Rupert Street rugby player is...