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Wednesday 22 March 2006

My Comic Book Heroes

I think I've focussed on the hunky heroes so far, so I think it's about time I featured one of my favourite female superhero:

Ms Marvel

Ms Marvel became a fave of mine when I first saw her with the Avengers battling the Grey Gargoyle (incidentally, this is also when I fell in love with the blue-furred Beast). I loved the issues of her first series that I could get, which was never that easy when I was younger.

The things I liked about her were her look, beautiful and tough, stylish 9for the 70's), and confident. Then Marvel did a brave and rare thing, they sacrificed her, a popular character, for the sake of a great storyline, when she was raped and abducted by Marcus Immortus and then subsequently had her powers and identity stolen by Rogue. This was a powerful storyline which could have been delved into in more detail, but never was, ans she was seemingly forgotten. I lost my favourite female character, seemingly for good.

She later returned as Binary, in an issue I still have yet to read, but even then she was virtually ignored for a couple of years. I liked it when she returned in Quasar and again seemed to sacrifice herself to save our Sun.

When she eventually reurned as Warbird, seemingly for good, in the third series of the Avengers I was thrilled. She had even more problems to deal with then, when she was revealed as an alcoholic, and who can really blame her with all she had been through. Now, Marvel have done the right thing and given her back her own series and her own name, and I am thrilled. I hope it isn't short-lived like many of their other recent series'. I hope that Marvel do her proud.

Make mine Ms Marvel!

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