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Wednesday 15 March 2006

My Comic Book Heroes

Over the years I have fancied quite a few heroes, mainly Marvel, but also some DC ones too. They range from Captain America, Angel, Thor, Hercules, Colossus, Batman, Element Lad, the Hulk (when he was brainy), and even Spider-Man.
But I must say that I really miss seeing and reading Quasar (Wendell Vaughn). Apart from the fact that he was gorgeous, blond-haired, blue-eyed and muscluar in a realistic way, I loved the stories.

When the Quasar comic started I thought "I'll give it a go," but was soon hooked. I loved the fact that he was a hero who admitted he was still learning and had doubts about himself. I also loved the fact that the book used so many characters that were being ignored for far too long, such as the Squadron Supreme, Alpha, Futurist, Gargoyle, Her, Maelstrom and his Minions, Eon, Erishkigel, Over-Mind and the whole New Universe to name but a few.

Also, the comic introduced many new characters, some good, some not-so-good; Angler, new members of the Imperial Guard (Voyager, Onslaught, Hardball, Gloom), new members of the Elders of the Universe (Caregiver, Explorer, Architect), Weird Sisters, Origin, the Mourners, and others.

I was dismayed when the book was cancelled, around the time that many of my favorite books were also cancelled (Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers West Coast), it was a dark time. I would love to see Quasar re-launched in a new book of his own, or at least as a regular member of a group somewhere, though I think, given his job as Protector of the Universe, working alone would be better. He is the modern-day, all-American hero, similar in his yearning to do well as Captain America, so I can't see why Marvel can't bring him back. So I'm calling to everyone out there who agrees to write to Marvel and tell them... "WE WANT QUASAR BACK, NOW!"


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