Who's On-Line Now?

Tuesday 21 March 2006

Chris Geary

A few years back I remember seeing a picture in a magazine somewhere and thinking, "Wow, that guy is gorgeous". It wasn't until a couple of years later that I realised what a successful businessman he was and how he gets better looking over time. If you haven't checked out his website then it's about time that you do. chrisgeary.co.uk is well worth checking out for hot pics, photos from worldwide gay events, party sponsorships and much much more. I look forward to going to any major gay event to see him and his boys with their big smiles and in their hotpants.

Keep up the fantastic work Chris, you are an inpiration to any budding gay businessman or woman. I hope that you don't mind using pictures from your site, but it is one of my fave sites. I love you and admire you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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