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Sunday 20 April 2008

I Need Inspiration

I am bored.
I'm trying not to read all of my recently bought comics at once, trying to make them last, but I don't have much else to do. I have run out of inspiration for other things to do in my spare time. I need fresh input.
I want to improve my writing skills, but I am blank on what to write about and I'm beginning to think that my ambition to have some written work published (professionally published and not just on my blog) is just a pipe-dream and something far beyond my capabilities. Maybe I should find another ambition, but that is not as easy as it sounds.
I want to get a camera and start taking some pictures to see if I would be any good at that, but like most things that costs money, which I just do not have at the moment.
A lottery or premium bonds win would do very nicely right now. I'm not asking for the world. A few hundred would make a massive difference to me, a few thousand would improve my quality of life, and ten thousand or more would change my life dramatically. Another pipe-dream!
For the time being I am going to have to settle for going to work for the meagre wage I earn and by July of next year my debts should be paid off and I will be much better off. A year seems like a long time, but I guess it will fly by as the last 30 years seem to have. So I will have to be patient, not an easy thing to do, but I can but try!


Ray's Cowboy said...

You have will poewr on the comic book stuff. Try some short stories out on your blog. We will tell you if the are wonderful or if they suck big time. or you can email your freinds (hopefully I am included) stories, asking us the truth about them. Not that Iwork for a book company, but like everyone else I do have an opinion.
Before you pay 5 mill for a camera, get a throw away camera in do some off of that, then if you really likie it then save for a biggger one.
I wished I could win the lottery myself, then do what I want , when I want, how I want, but I did not win yet, so off to work I go.
I know you can do whatever you want if you set your mind to it. I believe in you and I know you can.

Alex said...

Cheers for the moral support Ray, much appreciated.
It's not so much the "doing something", it's knowing what I want to do!
I don't think I want to write for comics, I leave that to the professionals (I think I would lose interest in comics if it was my full time job), and fiction just eludes me, as I have a low attention span and after a few pages I get bored with writing a story. But I'm sure something will come along in the very near future and inspire me to produce my showpiece that launches my career (whatever career that may be). Patience is what I will have to learn first of all.