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Wednesday 2 April 2008

Karmic Balance

Well, I got strait to sleep last night, but unfortunately after waking briefly at 00:30, I woke permanently at 04:00 and so have been feeling tired all day since. While wandering around dazedly on my second patrol I asked the universe for something good to happen (let me find a fiver, win the lottery, meet a guy, something like that), half an hour later I was advised that I had a pay rise, granted it was only 30 pence an hour but percentage-wise that is very good and it is effective from yesterday. So I was quite pleased, every penny helps at the moment!
Unfortunately, as seen on My Name is Earl, karma has a way of balancing things out. I got home to find out that the change in my overdraft limit had been accepted, but instead of increasing it temporarily by £50, they made the overdraft itself £50, £950 less than it was before!!!
This means that when I get paid on Friday I will barely go into credit and then be unable to access my money to pay my rent or my debts, and what was the other thing, oh yes EAT!! I have sent them an email and will be chasing it up tomorrow to make sure they correct their error! I could do without the stress as I am beginning to feel a downer coming on.
I am expected to go out for drinks tomorrow night after work too. I have been told that I won't have to pay for anything as the birthday boy, my building manager, will be paying, but I hate not paying my way (or at least offering to!). I have 55 pence in my wallet at the moment!! Hopefully I will be in the right frame of mind tomorrow to enjoy myself, but I really do not want to get too drunk. Last time I went out with these guys I don't remember how I got home, but I was told that I couldn't find the door OUT of the pub!!!! Not good!!!

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