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Monday 28 April 2008

Feeling Good

I thought that I should report to you all that I actually felt quite content at work last night, which was strange as, without going into detail for confidentiality reasons (I don't want to get sacked again!), it was quite hectic for the first few hours. But, I think the reason for my contentedness was that I knew I had done a good job and also knew that the building manager felt that I was capable of handling the situation.
I managed to liaise between two parties, create a safer environment, complete all the approppriate paperwork and all while unintentionally taking charge over my work colleague (not that he minded, I think he was happy to let me get on with it all!).
It wasn't anything exciting or dangerous, before you ask, just something different and the first 4-5 hours sped past which is never a bad thing at work, especially on a night shift. It was the sort of thing I was used to dealing with in my old (long-term) job. Using my brain! Working out the best way to do something. Who to ask and what to ask to get the job done as safely and efficiently as possible. It isn't often, in my current employment, that I actually have to think much, which is probably why I find it so difficult to stay awake sometimes.
Hopefully, with upcoming events (again confidential), I will be able to use my problem solving skills evenmore, thus making my job a whole lot more enjoyable and worth while.
Bring It On!!

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