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Friday 18 April 2008

Executive Decision Made

Earlier today I was thinking how I wish I had some comics to read, as I miss always having new ones on stand by to read in moments of boredom. So I decided that I would go and get some comics today and NOT go out drinking this weekend as a compromise. The decision was helped by the fact that I have a coldsore and it isn't going away! So I hopped on a bus and went to Forbidden Planet.
I thought I would pass some time looking at the action figures therein and soon realised that that was a mistake. They had some figures on sale so I couldn't resist and bought 4 (well three of them [large Marvel Comic Figures] were reduced from over £10 down to £2, the other [Star Wars] from about £8 down to £1, so they were bargains). Where I tripped myself up was going down to the comic department and trying to decide which comics NOT to get, to save myself some money. In the end I spent £45, but this did include some issues that I was missing from the last few months too. I definately cannot go out this weekend now that I have spent that much.
It really annoys me that I cannot afford these "luxuries" now, as this time last year I could easily treat myself to this stuff every week and still go out. AND I was working less hours! I'm still wondering when my Premium Bond numbers are going to come up! It is about time they did something!

Oh, by the by, while I was in Forbidden Planet, who should I see loading up his shopping basket in there but Jonathan Ross. I've seen him in there and their previous shop a few times now, and his sense of fashion isn't any better in real life than on the television (yellow, 3/4 length trousers!).

1 comment:

Ray's Cowboy said...

Have fun this weekend. While I SuperMan (LOL roling on the floor as well) save the day. I work this Sat. You sill be sfe with blue chap Man. I told him to protect your arse while I am away. I think he has you covered.