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Friday, 9 April 2010

Wasted Night Out

I'm not long back home from a night out, alone and it was pretty much a waste of time and money. There were hardly any guys that I found attracted to all night. I started off going into Comptons, but waited so long to get served that I gave up and went on to Rupert Street. I spoke to no one all night, despite going to Barcode as well. I should have just stayed at home and saved the £30 that I spent instead.
At least I got a blow job at the gym earlier!!!!
One more day off before going back to work on Saturday (and missing Dr Who again!).


J said...

Sorry you struck out...hopefully there was some decent eye candy to make the money spent worthwhile.

Kate said...

"At least I got a blow job at the gym earlier!!!!"

Ha ha brilliant. Sounds like a pretty good result to me?