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Tuesday 27 June 2006

Moving time soon

OK, I have spoken to Kev, my mate who I'm going to be renting a room from, and he is going into the property on Thursday and hinted that he needed a hand to help sort the flat out (stating that his other lodger was going to be helping on the Friday along with another mate of ours). So I felt pressured into helping out too. I just hope he knows what he is letting himself in for, I am SO clumsy and haven't got a clue when it comes to DIY stuff. But I can't really not go as he is letting me rent so cheaply, I don't really mind, I just hope he doesn't expect favours all the time.
  • So I am working Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
  • Comics day on Thursday and a bit of final packing and arranging disposal of my furniture.
  • Then I'm gonna be helping out Friday afternoon at the new flat, with free drinks afterwards in the pub (he promised).
  • Saturday I will be going into Soho to enjoy the crowds for Europride's main day.
  • Recovering on Sunday.
  • Then moving on Monday with the help of my mate Lee (and Kev said he will help us unpack too!).
  • Then that gives me Tuesday and Wednesday to clean the old flat and hand back the keys etc.

Busy, busy, busy. I hope it all goes alright.

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